Ad Formats designed for your success

Innovative formats + AI-based contextual advertising

= exceptional results

We combine high impact formats and effective contextual targeting. With our turn-key service we optimise campaigns to reach your goals. With C Wire managed services, you will benefit from high impact ad formats, flexible pricing models and expert optimization.

Discover our ad formats

Story Ad

A branding format offering ultimate visibility - loved by consumers and publishers. Consists of one, or many videos or static images that will appear as social stories, in context, in high quality editorial content.

up to
visible, in article inventory
up to
Engagement rate

Showcase Ad

The Showcase Ad is a high-impact advertising format, which engages users through a powerful onscreen presence and a variety of design options. Consisting of a hero video or image, and up to 10 static images as a carousel, the format invites users to interact with the advertising message, which in turn increases advertising recall.

up to
video view rates uplift
avg. of
Video in view time

Spotlight Ad

Extend your video campaigns and put the spotlight on your new product with our new animated Spotlight Ad

Boost attention by combining videos and animations
Enhance memorization by integrating videos with striking product visuals

Flex Cube Ad

Combine video and image assets into an engaging ad experience, perfect for promoting new products. Deliver the Flex Cube Ad in three different IAB Sizes for maximum reach.

Boost your ad engagement and interactivity
Maximum reach by leveraging multiple sizes

Gamification Ad

Engage your audience with fun, interactive ads that let users explore your products while building a stronger, positive brand image

Capture attention with fun and games directly in your ads
Make your brand unforgettable

Sponsored Video

Large-scale native video format consisting of a video, teaser text and call-to-action. Thanks to delivery in editorially appropriate articles, the format is ideal for promoting long video content and generating high view through rates.

up to
video view rates uplift
avg. of
video in view time

Sponsored Post

Large-scale high-impact native advertising format that is ideal for generating high-quality traffic.

up to
CTR uplift
avg. of
In view time

Branded Player

An impactful format displaying a video within an image showing a clear call to action.

up to
Viewability rate
avg. of
video in view time

Outstream Video

Allow your video assets to work hard for you and maximize views, by delivering them in our high impact format with a clear call to action

up to
Viewability rate
avg. of
In view time

Sponsored Podcast

Attention-grabbing advertising format that is ideal for promoting a podcast. Linking directly to all your podcast platforms. Ad delivery decisions are powered by our contextual targeting - directly in the user's reading flow in suitable, relevant articles.

Flip Ad

Animation generates instant awareness and attention in this format, which is easy to create using simple creative assets. Flip Ad campaigns generate increased brand recall.

up to
Viewability rate
Ad Recall
With Flip Effect